Customer Services
Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00
Enhance the diagnostic precision with a distinctive and tailored approach with G-scan Open, leading to meaningful impacts on individuals’ well-being. The adaptable and open design revolutionizes the scanning process for patients since numerous symptoms and conditions, related especially to the spine and joints, manifest more clearly when the patient is in a weight-bearing position. G-scan Open is a revolutionary MRI approach for elevating assurance in surgical planning and spinal diagnosis.
Traditional MRI scans may not reveal pathologies associated with specific symptoms, but G-scan Open provides a fresh perspective, enabling accurate diagnosis of musculoskeletal (MSK) pathologies occurring under weight-bearing conditions. Utilizing G-scan Open offers a comprehensive insight into the examined spine and joints. Gravity-induced biomechanical alterations in human anatomy mean that MRI imaging in a natural standing position unveils additional details typically unseen.
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